Wednesday 29 August 2012

The Douglas Inquiry

Over at, Simon Fodden points us in the direction of the Canadian Judicial Council's website, which has a collection of documents relevant to the Douglas Inquiry. For those of you who have been dwelling under rocks, this Inquiry is into a sad and sordid tale involving Justice Douglas and her former partner.

Like Simon, I am reluctant to enter the debate on the appropriateness of the Inquiry. But the Inquiry's website is an excellent source of relevant documents.

There are now two judicial review applications before the Federal Court, one initiated by Justice Douglas and one by the former independent counsel to the Inquiry, Guy Pratte (who has now resigned).

Common to both is the allegation that the Inquiry has been conducting itself in an improper manner, by acting in an inquisitorial fashion. If and when the matter gets to court, it will be interesting to see what conclusion is reached on this important question.